I challenge you in this weeks VLOG

This week I take on a bit of a touchy subject.  Its a little longer than I had anticipated and as usual I stumble and laugh at myself, but hope you can do the same.  Please participate in the challenge, share you IG account on my Youtube Channel and I will follow you and search the hashtag we are using, #onelensandgo

Here is #2

Creativity and why you should bring yours to your session!In

In this VLOG I discuss how bringing your own version of creativity to your session and how that is beneficial. Since I'm trying this new format I would love to hear thoughts about what you like or dislike about this VLOG vs my old blog. Lets go-

I truly appreciate you stopping by here and listening to me even when I couldn't find my thoughts lol. I am not above laughing at myself obviously. Here is the link to Katy's Blog as promised for you adventurous people, HERE


To all of my photographer friends: Should we ever shoot for free?

This topic is widely discussed in the photography community and although my ideas may not be earth shattering - I still feel they are worth sharing - so here we go.

As a photographer, we ultimately want to create something we are genuinely proud of. This reaches from our images captured, the business we create, to the brand we cultivate. We dream of working in bigger cities, larger platforms, or maybe just in a larger capacity, meaning booking more in our current market. While none of these are lacking their own unique qualities, the end goal is the same: to be successful. So I would challenge you to first describe what that is for you? What do you see when you think SUCCESS?  Write it down.

Once you have jotted your definition of that, please comment your notes below so we can all share in your goal. Then - how does shooting for free, or not, play into that success? It may not. It may not help book that corporate contract you're chasing or that wedding that you've been marketing to for weeks, but it may benefit in ways that are more meaningful in the big picture.

Ok, so shooting for free clearly won't put Benjamins in your savings account and there is zero guarantee that it will lead to those elusive Benjamins ever, but what if I told you that's ok?! Its ok if something you're truly dedicated to doesn't afford you the new equipment you're drooling over (on Amazon, B&H, or Adorama). Because what if the rewards are so much more than a tangible objective?

I know what you're thinking- "I need to make money to succeed as a business" and yes, that is true, but what if you dove into something you are truly passionate about and saw it to completion? The feeling of doing something for someone else is a wonderful experience to have. If anyone has ever bought your coffee in the drive thru before you got to the window, I bet you smiled. I bet that feeling was a pleasant feeling. We as photographers have the opportunity, responsibility even, to capture moments in time. Moments to record of joy, sadness, surprise, love, etc. No one makes us passionate about our craft, we are drawn to it for our own personal reasons. So in the end, you can do whatever you want.  You can donate your time and skill anyway you prefer. I love volunteering at our Church anytime they need another photographer to capture events, or just the typical Sunday morning service. I dream of taking a missions trip with my Church and doing just that. Capturing the need of others in a way that someone else would be lead to do more, be more than they are.  I also love having my camera with me when out in public and strive to capture moments and objects I see that catch my eye or that make up the world around us -- you never know when those images are going to change in meaning or value.  Imagine after 9/11 having been able to log into your computer and see images that you'd captured of the city in years past while you were just enjoying your world around you while walking the city...we, as photographers, have the privilege of snapping and archiving the wonderful things around us, but if you only wait to do so once you've been hired or told what to do, you miss this opportunity.

Now, am I talking about hired pro bono work here too?  Maybe, sometimes yes.  You don't have to simply give your time away to some event if you choose not to, however. There are lots of benefits to choosing to do free work for yourself (so much creative freedom!) -- You could also start a photo project that means something - a project that speaks directly to you. By doing so, you may challenge others to do the same, or share a story that helps someone who really needed to hear that particular story. One of my absolute favorite photographers is Ryan Muirhead. His work is hauntingly captivating, but his approach is as well. I'll never forget the video he posted where he is sitting in the floor with his subject and so engaged that when he realized he had the shot he couldn't pass up, he couldn't take his eyes off of her long enough to even reach for his camera and found himself blindly reaching for it. He wanted to capture exactly what he was seeing, that moment, that expression, that emotion and I want that almost-hypnotized-experience.

I'm challenging myself to create for myself as well as others. I challenge you to do the same. Life is far too fragile and far too fleeting to not make today different than yesterday was. Maybe for yourself, your clients, or someone that stumbles upon your work some day.

Working for free may pay more than we are capable of calculating when we open our eyes to the possibilities of it. 

Im Back!

Well its been a long time since writing here and that's for a few reasons. I had taken a new chance and changing my business platform and Ill just say that, things did not work out. I'm not wasting any more time on said project but more importantly, I'm not wasting time on the "what if's ". I have hit the Reset button and bigger and better things are going to happen, because I'm not capable of settling for anything else. I am making life changes and putting my Faith and Family first and then and only then can I succeed in the matters that mean the most. 

If I were world known and rich beyond measure, but didn't have my family and my Faith, it would all be for not. I'm making steps to trust the Lords plan for my life and my business and I am extremely blessed and excited by this decision. 

I am booking for 2018 now and would love to meet new people and create something truly meaningful and put my work in new venues. This year I print more, I shoot more, but I will also laugh more, pray more and be more present in this life. I have started bullet journaling to help keep me on the path and help get the negativity out of my life.  I will be attending more seminars, classes and looking for a business mentor. Someone I respect and can trust. I'm also, for maybe the first time truly, working on myself. I'm currently listening to a wonderful book, suggested by my lovely wife, called " The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod. So far its incredible and I highly recommend it. I'm also go to try and help the industry more. Maybe teach classes or start a photo walk for children. Lots to work on and its time to get to it.. if you find yourself reading this  I hope you can remember, times get tough, things are not always the way we want them to be, but we are meant for so much more. Dust yourself off, chin up, and smile.. smile in defeat but count the lessons in it, smile at a stranger it may change their day, and smile because we have great things to accomplish in this wonderful thing called LIFE!

#motivational #jgp #steppingoutinfaith

Later Bernie Mac, hello James Bond!

I have been an avid MacBook Pro user for over a decade now, and other than a few hick-ups I have loved them being my solitary system.  I have replaced hard drives and kept on working, but recently even after the hard drive update, I was missing something. I would pair it up with a 20in Samsung external monitor and just blast away in Lightroom and Photoshop. After it started slowing down, I started shopping around. I should admit that I become very manic when its time to purchase new equipment. Whether that be camera equipment, laptops, hard drives,  or cars even. I loose sleep mulling over the options until I finally pull the trigger. Last weekend I had a rare few hours alone, so I decided to take what I've read and went to Best Buy to ask some questions. After even more debating, maybe some swearing, and with the help of an awesome guy names Roy, I walked out with a new laptop! Exciting right?

I was convinced to pick up a new 2 in 1 Asus q325, and I knew I was going to really like it the second it turned on and almost instantly booted to the home screen. Lightning fast start up. So I started downloading the programs I need and set upmy email accounts. So basically a few hours of making it mine! I spent a late night checking it out and putting it through my work flow and then called it a night. I got up the next morning and after a great service at Church, came home to dive back in and , DEAD! The touch screen function had completely stopped working. COME ON!!!  So I was forced to return it and then I decided to try a different one as I had some bad luck with the first one. Long story short, I had the 2nd one for about 4 days and decided that it couldn't hang either.

At this point I am really wondering if switching to a PC was the correct choice but I am also very much enjoying the 2 in 1 system and editing directly on my images. This was one of my biggest concerns of switching, not liking working this way. News Flash: its lots of fun!

So I am happy to say, as of writing this, I am now the happy owner of a HP X360 2 in 1 system running 16g of Ram and a 512gb SSD and its great. I actually like the user experience of the HP pen over the Bamboo pen that I was using with the other 2 systems. The battery life is amazing , and its also my favorite system to write on. The track pad is ok but if your looking to try one, I can honestly say this thing is great, as long as it stays that way! I haven't edited a full session on it yet but so far its been great, but I did edit a session I shot last week on a 2 in 1 system and being this portable and productive is exactly what I needed! Ill drop a few of those shots below! Feel free to comment and let me know if you have any questions about my switch and let me know what you think about the images below!

A post shared by Jeremy Gouge (@jeremy.gouge) on

One of the many portraits I've taken of late but also one of my favorites. The color, the everything!

A post shared by Jeremy Gouge (@jeremy.gouge) on

So if you have hung around to now, I should explain the title of this blog. I name most of my possessions so my Mac became Bernie Mac, and although I haven't named the HP technically, its called Spectre which makes me thing of James Bond lol.  It is also a beautiful machine in silver and chrome accents, which seems classy as well.. thanks as always for reading and Ill be writing again soon with more about the session I am previewing above.