Desert Island Film Camera- and wish list

I should start by breaking down what I mean when I say “desert island’ film camera. This term is one I am borrowing but the film community knows what it means already. For everyone else its the only camera you would bring if stranded on a magical desert island. The only magic the island offers though is unlimited film, and a lab to bring the negatives to life. As of today, I currently own 3 main film cameras with several point and shoots as well but for reference I will make a short list below of what I have had so we know my opinion comes from years of other options.

Pentax 645m, Mamiya 645 AF, Fuji GW690ii ( i regret this one leaving ), Hasselblad 5o0c, & MamiyaFlex TLR as far as medium format cameras go.

Leica M6 TTL, Leica M3, Nikon F3 ( my favorite 35mm yet ), Contax G1, Minolta Dynax5, Minolta Xe7, and the point and shoot collection.

So my current medium format options are both 6x6 format cameras meaning that they shoot square images. At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about this but have since fell madly in love with the square crop. Plus they are just beautiful machines to catch light. No batteries, no meters, and no bullshit.

I mean just look at them. Makes me smile every time I pick them up, use them, hear the shutter slap ( talking Hassy here ) and the results! So fulfilling. I do love my choice of 35mm camera as well. Not ever really being a Nikon guy, when I stumbled across a 35mm camera that offered a built in meter, Aperture priority mode, and a removable viewfinder creating a mini waste level finder, well I had to try it. I have never considered selling it and that is saying something if you know me at all. It will be with me forever. Does this mean I have made a decision then?

My favorite shot with the Nikon f3!

Well since the mystic island provides the sweet nectar that is film itself, I would be remiss to skip out on the higher image quality that medium format offers so between my 2 beloved options on hand, I would reach for the Hasselblad 500c. I mean its gorgeous, NASA took a Hassy to the moon, and Platon still uses one to photograph some of the most influential people on the planet.

I mean look at those! This camera was first release in 1953 and in production until 1970 so at the very least its 52 years old or it could be between 52 and 69. That breaks my brain a little.

As far as my wish list cameras go- I can only think of 4 that have my attention at the moment.

Pentax 67ii, Mamiya7, Leica m7, and Fujifilm GA645

Now its your turn.. what would you take with you to this island? It can be digital if you must. :)